OUR 2-4-1 TICKETS...

You may have heard of them before, wondered what they were, or if you were lucky enough got one of these passes from a previous show...but what are they?

Our 2-4-1 Passes are an amazing way to share the expierence with a Friend and on us, one of you get in for FREE! That's right, we're paying your friends ticket; because who wants to go to an event this awesome by themselves.

3 Ways To Get and Use these tickets:

1. (Best way) Click on the city your attending and purchase the 2-4-1 Pass.

2. Get a hard copy ticket from your local Tattoo Shop in one of our Tour cities.

3. Join our newsletter, we send out printable 2-4-1 Passes if there are any left.

*2-4-1 Passes are only available until the night before each stop, then they're gone. Regular price at the door.

* Only Applicable on day passes, weekend passes not included.